Monday, April 1, 2013

My New Tool

She's the BaByliss PRO Nano Titanium with a 1" plate. She's magic. I used her in my new salon today and fell in love and went out to get her. Now she's mine. 
PS- If you want to buy one beware if you are looking on eBay or Amazon. People do make knock off's of these. 
You can find an authorized dealer HERE
pps- I am in no way getting any compensation from BaByliss even though I really really want to.

Monday, March 25, 2013

For the Dreamers

I'm a dreamer. I'm always dreaming up vacations, house plans, careers, etc. My friends and family probably think I'm crazy because I always talk about all my dreams and plans to them.
 "I'm moving to Hawaii, I'm really going to do it." 
"Why shouldn't we live where other people vacation?" 
"I'm going on vacation here, here, and here, etc." 
"I'm going to run a half marathon." 
"I'm going to have 6 kids." 
"Rhyno and I are going to own our own gym and salon."
Some of these dreams were shot down by me. I never really want to run a half marathon. blah. And I'm pretty sure I'm done with the 2 kids I have now. I'll always dream of living in Hawaii, or anywhere it doesn't snow. 
Some of these dreams are shot down by fear. Fear. Blah. 
For the last 7 years I've worked for the same company. I was hired when I was 19. Still practically a baby. I went through hair school while working there. I dreamed of working and owning salons. But I never quit my job to work in a salon. It's a risk. My job has been so stable and flexible when I've needed it to be. Welp, I kicked fear in the face and I quit my job today. I'm still pretty scared. But mostly excited. I'll be working in a cute little salon starting April 8th! I hope to be changing people's lives one head at a time. :)
Dream on Dreamers.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Z-Man's Birthday

I have a 3 year old. I have a 3 year old......
Where did my little baby go? I never used to believe my mom when she said she loved all her kids the same, (and still don't) but I really do love them the same. But Zaner was my first. He made me a mama. He put me through the ringer with worry while he was still in my belly. He was sooo tiny. I didn't know that I could do it, be a mom. He changed me. He made me love Ryan more than I knew I could. He made me want to be a better person. He made me love my Heavenly Father more. He makes me so happy. 

He is growing and learning new things by the second. He is a little trickster. He hides to jump out and scare you. He's a teaser. He's a runner. He's such a sweet big brother. He loves to help Millie when she is sad by singer her Twinkle Twinkle Littler Star. He's Ryan's best buddy. I love watching him watch his daddy. 

Zaney Zoo, at 3 years old you:
have the alphabet down
can count to 20 most times, but to 14 always
know all your colors, your favorite is Red
know all your shapes; even ones like crescent and octagon
LOVES trains and cars
are testing all rules 
Have given your daddy 1 black eye
still have the most beautiful baby blue eyes
have a mommy and daddy and baby sister that love you more than you will ever know. Thanks for being mine and making me a mama. I love you. -Mama

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Mint Candy Apple

I have a pretty serious addiction to nail polish. I can wear cheap jewelry (blood sisters gone wrong, maybe a post on that one day) and can't afford the good stuff. I look to nail polish instead. Every single beauty supply store run ends in the nail polish isle. I picked this beauty up last time. I love her. Essie Mint Candy Apple. In real life she is so much prettier than her picture portrays her. She's helping me feel the warmth of the sunshine that will soon be coming out to play again. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013


November-February is my busy season. In my house during those months we celebrate (in order); Thanksgiving, my birthday, Christmas, Miss Mills birthday, New Years, Rhyno's birthday, our anniversary (this year it was 7!), Z-Man's birthday, and Valentines Day. That is 9 celebrations. Ridiculous right? If we ever have any more children we will definitely plan to have them born in June-August. While all of these celebrations are fun, I'm ready for sunshine and laziness at the park. I miss the park soooooooooo badly.

Miss Mills is sick. Again. This poor girl cannot stay healthy. Which really is interesting to me because they say the longer you nurse a baby the better their immune system is. Well, I nursed this one until she was 10 months! Z-Man was only until 8 and he gets sick way less than her. Currently she's experiencing high fevers and possibly pink eye -or some other kind of eye virus.

Z-Man has a birthday (#3) next Saturday. I'm so proud to be this little boys mama. He's kind, sweet, funny, smart, handsome,  and a little bit naughty.

On another Miss mills note: she LOVES to put things around her neck and walk around the house. Pajamas, Blankets, necklaces, shirts, pants, towels, pretty much anything that will wrap around her shoulders. I'm thinking I need to make her a scarf.

We have a pitbull (gasp!) She's a sweetheart dog. 3 days ago, some other dog came into our backyard as they always do and got in a fight with her while she was tied up. She has a little gash on her leg, but there was a lot of blood all over her that was not hers. People:not all pitbulls are mean, and every dog owner should keep their dog tied up.

this video is hilarious. I was going to say how all men should have to go through this, but then I remembered I never have nor will I ever; so I guess I shouldn't expect my own husband to.

Love this article. Love is a choice

Working on a few more projects for etsy. I'm super exited.

Today is Super Bowl Sunday! I'm not sure we will be attending any parties because of Miss Mills, but I will still be watching for all the awesome commercials, to see Beyonce rock it, and to watch the Baltimore Ravens take it home.

What little cuties I have

Saturday, January 5, 2013

A New Year-Live your Best Life

Every year I make a list of New Year Resolutions. 
Most times by day 3 I have failed at all of them and quit. So this year I decided something different. This year my New Years Resolution is to "Life your Best Life" 
Great right? Then there isn't one specific thing I can fail at. 
Of course there are several different ideas that will help me live my best life.
Here are some of my ideas:


  • Run a half marathon with my super in shape sister April. And keep up with her.
  • Quit my job for one I am passionate about
  • Pray with intent
  • Study the lesson for Sunday School so I can participate
  • Temple nights
  • FHE
  • Play more. Z-Man and Miss Mills have way to many toys to play with by themselves
  • Date night is a must
  • Be a nicer wife (almost impossible, but I will try)  ;)
  • Create a family bucket list for each season
Looks like it's going to be a great year!

Monday, November 26, 2012

This kid #3

I kind of can't get enough of this kid. 

Saturday was eventful.
 We went to a birthday party for his cousin who is turning 4. 
Pretty much everything he got had something to do with Cars. 
Z-Man is obsessed with Cars.
 He was really struggling watching all the awesome presents be unwrapped. 
Every time he would get so excited and say, "For me!" I'd have to tell him that it wasn't. 
It was pretty sad. 
Then, after his cousin had opened one of his presents Z-Man said, "Oh. I'm so sorry." Then he paused and said, "That one is for me." He was so sincere an apologetic that that was his toy and not his cousins. I about died laughing. 

Right after that we went to Costco. 
 I let Z-Man walk beside me in the store and he was being such a good boy.
 As we were standing in the checkout line surrounded by a ton of people he is looking around with a horrific look on his face.
 I asked him what was wrong and he held his hands out and pointed and yelled, "They all have big butts mom!" 
Awesome Z-Man. Just awesome.